Sunday 12 August 2012

Is India the next Super Power?

Rahul Agarwal
Many of you had questioned yourself that “Is India the next superpower?”  And many of you had answers that YES WHY NOT? And some of them had “MIGHT BE POSSIBLE”, and some of them had “In this scenario not possible”.
Well yes with this recent Power Grid failure in two consecutive days that affected 600 million people lives showed the bitter truth of India. India the next super power (Neta Babus’s claim) goes like a promise to the public which can never be fulfilled. With this power failure many industries incur huge amount of losses as workers in manufacturing units didn’t able to work throughout the day. The massive blackout affected so many life and people questioned themselves “Sarkar ye tax ke paise kaha istamaal karti hai?”  Lot of questions need to be asked and lot of truth needs to reveal.

Every year government earns lots of money in form of tax and yet we faced a massive blackout on two consecutive days.
 Lots of wastage takes place in transmission and distribution of electricity which results in bankruptcy of state electricity boards. Power theft term is not new for us, this will also result in huge losses to state electricity boards. Most of the power plants are not utilizing up to the maximum. Mainly 57% of our electricity comes from thermal power plants which uses coal as a precious fuel to generate power. The main problem behind this is availability of coal. Coal mining is public monopoly. This put pressure on “Coal India Ltd.”  And Coal India alone cannot cope up the pace with the demand and supply of coal. So disruptions in coal supply impacted a lot on our power plants. This results into under utilization of power plants and loss of power generation. They are generating electricity below their capacity. I mean with huge amount in hand what our government is doing? Only to make promises and break those promise later on. When this power collapse happened on the first day, then media ask our power minister Mr. Sushil Kumar Shinde that what was the reason behind this power failure? Then the minister said it is because UP was overdrawing electricity from its allocated limit and this resulted to put pressure on the grid and this lead to collapse of the grid. Next day same drama happened again and media ask why this grid failure happened again? Then minister said this time Punjab and Haryana was overdrawing electricity from its allocated limit. This resulted to the collapse of the power grid.

These ministers are giving excuses and they are not bothering about the culprits. They only said the very common line which is used in every case i.e. “Investigation is going on and we will disclose the report in the public”. Reports will come and reports will go but none will take a step or a revolution against this malaise which creates a drama around the world about the India. India is an electricity starved nation. We need major reforms in India’s power sector to boost up the economy. Many of the villages still after independence getting electricity for 2-3 only in 24 hours, around 60% population of India still depend on agriculture as their livelihood and they need water and electricity for irrigation. Without proper irrigation to the paddy fields the crops will not grow which increases the prices of vegetables and thus further put pressure on the inflation which is already on the high and have been tackling by the RBI. Moreover, most of the farmers take loans on their land to grow crops and if they do not get proper electricity then they will be in debt and due to this every year farmers are committing suicide.
Recently 18% hike in the price of electricity already put people into deep concern. Now they have to dig out more from their pockets.

I mean from every angle innocent public suffers like you take example of petrol, diesel, LPG, kerosene, water, electricity, food, real estate etc. Everything rises but still poor people who live in the village still depend on the agriculture.
So new power minister Mr. Moodbidri Veerappa Moily are you listening to the voices of poor people?

Now a question need to be asked "Is India the next superpower?

1 comment:

  1. nice analysis...but 600 billion people affected with power grid failure?? but dude india's total population recently stood up to 1.21 billion then how 600 billion people gets affected. overall nice to read.
